A WildlifeLink Project . . . . .
HigherGround Raptors
"Helping our raptors fly free..."
Major Sponsor
HigherGround Raptor Centre
599 Redhills Road
Fitzroy Falls NSW 2577
Tel: (02) 4887 7660
Email: pegmcdonald@bigpond.com

The Foundation is proud to be a major sponsor of the HigherGround Raptor Centre in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales.
It funds food and medicines for the injured birds, operations assistance, infrastructure projects (major upgrade of the aviaries and construction of an intensive care facility), educational and general support.
Founder and principal carer Peggy McDonald has been a wildlife carer for over 40 years. In 1972 she turned to birds of prey, "the athletes of the sky", and devoted her life to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of injured birds.
HigherGrounds Raptor Centre houses a hospital and aviaries to prepare the birds for release back into the wild.
In NSW alone over 1000 raptors are hit by cars, caught in barb wire, shot, caught in rabbit traps, orphaned or harmed every year, as well as suffering from disease. It is the lucky ones that find their way into Peggy's care where they receive the best expertise in rehabilitation techniques, food, medicines and veterinary expertise - the ultimate aim always being release back into the wild.
Peggy is at the forefront of ongoing research and generously imparts her knowledge to others through educational projects and sponsoring of veterinary interns.
In 2017 it was announced that Peggy is to be the recipient of a Churchill Scholarship - a well deserved recognition of her work and an opportunity for her to continue to engage in international research.

"In the round Aviary" at HigherGround - a design pioneered by Peggy that allows the raptors to fly unfettered to build up their strength prior to release.

Peggy McDonald
"committed wildlife warrior"